Olympians Mind in Overdrive

D Harp Inc
3 min readMay 1, 2021

The best and worst thing about my mind is it can go into overdrive. As a professional athlete I absolute need it to do that. As a mother, I absolutely need it to do that, as a wife, I absolutely need it to do that but when I have time to myself I need it to slow down.
This weekend was a prime example of my mind doing its best and worse. I had my first track meet in my quest to go for my third Olympic team and leading up to the meet I dealth with little battles of trying to slow my mind down but for the most part I wanted it to let go and be free.

Process everything, think about how well training has been going, the things I need to execute, what this year would mean and that I just down right love running. Then there came the point when I needed it to slow down and focus on the one or two things for my race. Mission accomplished, mind wise. The race didn’t go as planned but my mind was ready. It was focused and fresh. At that point you can’t ask for more. After the race was over was when I wanted to throw this brain away. It went into over, over drive thinking about everything that I felt I should have done differently, who all watched what I initially considered a failure of a race and how badly I wanted to race again. Then there was the outside world and the people that know me best. The blessing in having people that understand the process is they can see you and tell you need words of affirmation and calmness. I was immediately approached by a physical therapist that has known me for years and the first thing he said was, “So you know about GRACE, right.” I burst into tears because yes, I do know about grace but when it comes to track I don’t allow myself any room for mistakes. I want perfection and perfection only. That’s how the greats think, right. I have to be that way and allow no room for error. Well, the problem with that is you can drive yourself crazy and take your very talented capable self right out of the race because of that same mindset. With those tears was a release of pressure and an inhale of understanding. I have been in worst positions. Why was I making this one seem like life or death and that it had to be fixed today. You have time Dawn. Allow GRACE to take place. The next few hours were of me reminding myself that you have more than enough for this journey. I talked with my coach/husband and it made me feel even better because we were on the same page. I flew home to switch from athlete to mom and wife again and my brain was slowly transforming back into overload but for other reasons. I was tightying the house, making dinner and putting a toddler to bed. I had to make a conscious effort to make time for Dawn. In that time for Dawn I took my isolate drops from BioFit360.

I know with what I require from my brain it’s like me saying, thank you. I give my body a massage to make sure I am taking care of it so that it’s ready to go the next day, well that’s what my droplets are like. After taking my droplets I actually decided to lay back and take in the moment and focus my brain on good things. The things that are going well and great plans I have ahead. Sigh, it was nice to settle down and reboot for the next day. I fell asleep remembering that I am in control of my actions and destiny and I will do all the things in my power to be successful in this journey and be happy. Thank you to the physical therapist, my husband and BioFit360 for getting me through this crazy but fun weekend of a racing body and mind.

